Monday, April 18, 2011

Hey all!

Hi to all of my readers (which consists of my mom(i think) and Abby) i am going to start bloging not only about books now but also about crafts!!!! Get ready for some awesome ideas from many of my friends, favorite websites,and some of my own original ideas!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Red Pyramid

I read this good book called the Red Pyramid by Rick Riordanthe other day and loved it! It is about 2 not so normal kids Carter and Sadie Kane and who are brother and sister but after there mom mysteriously dies they are separated and Sadie lives with her grandparents and carter travels the world with his father. They were separated for a long time and when on a visiting day with Sadie at the British museum something goes amiss.Their dad  turns out to be a  real magician and he accidentally just released some of the most dangerous and powerful Egyptian gods (which also happen to be real in the book)!! But the gods cant stay on earth without having a human host and Sadie and  carter were there when they were realised! The gods lead them on many difficult journeys to try and stop set before its to late.